Department of Operating Room
The Operating Room field in Iran was established during the period from 1986 to 2007 in an associate degree, and the part time and full time undergraduate degree from 2008 in different faculties of the country. The group now has 5 faculty members and one non-faculty member. This course is offered to students in paramedical and nursing colleges. In this college, the Operating Room group is thguiding and instructing the students in the operating room field.
This group is responsible for providing the Operating Room courses for part time and full time undergraduate students of Operation Room field, and associate courses of the Operating Room for undergraduate nursing and midwifery students.
Degrees Offered at the Faculty
Bachelor of the part time and full time Operation Room.
The operating room group philosophy
The the part time and full time bachelor program of the operating room technology is designed according to the philosophy that the patient as a human being is able to independently choose his desired treatment, therefore, graduates will be able to emphasize on social justice and equality of human beings and according to the values of the Islamic society, ethics, and beliefs, to respect the patient as a special person with his or her specific physical, psychological and emotional characteristics. They screen the entire surgery from the beginning of the admission to the discharge from the operating room and by attracting the patient's trust, provide appropriate human contact with the patient; because reducing the level of patient's anxiety before surgery and meeting its comprehensive needs , is a key to preventing many complications from anesthesia and postoperative problems. From other values, we can mention the optimal attempt in using and maintaining the equipment used, observing professional ethics and strictly avoiding discrimination in providing services to various classes. The Operating Room group of Shahrekord Nursing and Midwifery Faculty is also taking steps in this direction.
The mission of the operating room group is to educate the knowledgeable, committed and efficient human resources that, with the acquisition of professional abilities in the operating room and the use of technology and daycare, provide the necessary care and educational services at the highest standard for the provision, maintenance and improve patient and community health. By training these forces, the proper and effective care of patients in the pre-operative, during and post-operative, control and prevention of hospital infections, creating appropriate mental conditions for patients and appropriate maintenance of medical devices and equipment, will be possible.
General Educational Goals of the Group
(A) Creating academic and practical abilities in the operating room, nursing and midwifery students who are knowledgeable and competent in the basic concepts of patient care in the operating room and surgical techniques to meet community health needs.
B) Revision of courses commensurate with the standards and contents of the scientific day and the educational needs of the community and learners, and to send feedback to the educational system of the university and the Ministry of Education.
C) The empowerment of professors in keeping with the advancement of science and the emergence of modern surgical procedures and patient care.
D) Establishment of continuing education courses based on needs assessment in order to strengthen the knowledge and practice of the professors as well as the employed personnel.
E) Determining the minimum learning needs for the Operation Room field and their continuous review based on the clinical performance record.
F) Implementation of training and evaluation of learners based on new methods and assessment of the impact of these methods
Research Goals of Operating Room Group
1. Education and training of students who have the competence to research and search.
2. Reviewing and recognition of research needs in the field of care, education, and support of patients in the operating room.
3. Reviewing and understanding the research needs of the operating room profession (in the clinic, and in the training)
4. Creation of research attitudes and insights in students of different educational levels
5. Establishing a ground for scientific research competitions by presenting the project to students and members of the group
6. Strengthening the motivation of conducting clinical research in students and presenting it at student research seminars
7. Providing opportunities for publishing articles in accredited academic -scientific journals by members of the group
8. Evaluation and assessment of scientific support resources for conducting team research activities in line with professional goals
Clinical goals of the group
1 - Correlation of theoretical and practical lessons
2 - Efforts to strengthen and develop the information and communication system with world scientific centers through observation courses to improve clinical skills of members of the group.
3 - Strengthening motivation, self-esteem, and self-reliance in students (creating independent performance and according to performance standards)
4 - Accurate teaching of clinical skills to students by professors in accordance with the clinical performance record
5 - Identifying barriers to clinical skills and efforts to solve them
6 - Identification of effective factors in gaining clinical skills and strengthening them (interaction of students and personnel - facilities and ...)
7 - Establishing continuing and effective retraining courses for faculty members of the group and staff working in the operating room.
8 - Using world-class knowledge and technology in clinical education with regard to the facilities available in the community
9 - Effective interaction of faculty members and students with the staff of medical centers in order to resolve clinical problems as well as the participation of medical staff in student clinical education.
10 - Establishment of specialized operating nursing clinics for the provision of educational care services to patients after surgery
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Last Update 07/01/2023
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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