The Ministry of Health accreditation inspectors visited the Department

The Ministry of Health accreditation inspectors visited the DepartmentThe accreditation meeting of the Department of Tissue Engineering was held on Tuesday, October 31st, 2022 with the attendance of the inspectors of the Ministry of Health and two members of the Board of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell Sciences, Dr. Peyman Berooki and Dr. Mahmoud Azami.

At the beginning of the meeting and after welcoming the audience, the interim head of School of Advanced Technologies, Dr. Shahram Tahmasebian, introduced the faculty.

Then, the assistant head of the Faculty, Mrs. Pegah Khosravian, stated some points about the educational processes of the School.

Next, the head of the Department, Ms. Shiva Asadpour, introduced the Department and explained its goals, educational and research activities, research priorities, and operational and strategic plans.

She also raised some issues regarding the interaction and establishment of knowledge-based companies, the scientific authority of the Department and the manufacturing of tissue engineering products.

At the completion of the meeting, the inspectors discussed and exchanged their viewpoints with the full-time and visiting faculty members of the Department.

Following the meeting, the inspectors visited the facilities, laboratories and research centers affiliated to the Department.

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