۱۴۰۳ جمعه ۶ مهر
عنوان مقاله : Moral distress and compassion fatigue in patient care: a correlational study on nurses
نام نویسنده : Somayeh Mohammadi, Fariba Borhani, Leili Roshanzadeh, Mostafa Roshanzadeh
گروه : Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
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چکیده : Moral distress is one of the ethical challenges that nurses face due to the nature of their career. Nurses' frequent confrontation with this phenomenon can have different outcomes such as frustration and boredom in providing patient care. This will lead directly to a decline in care quality and can hamper the accomplishment of health goals. Therefore, the present study examined the relationship between moral distress and compassion fatigue in nurses. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 260 nurses of intensive care units in Kerman
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