Department of Nursing & Operating Room
Head of the department: 
Mina Shirvani: the masters of science in society health- Borojen nursing college (Shahrekord) Medical science university. shirvani@skums.ac.ir . 
An infant operating room and nursing in Brojen was constituted in term of community health-based policies in 2014 for improving education quality. 
The purpose of making the training groups is providing an appropriate background within the group focus on transferring the experiences and conferring the faculties who are expert on training, researching and the clinical status in the related groups. These factors improve the educational, training and clinical process for the operating room and nursing group significantly using the current resources. In this way:
✓ All activities in this group are designed and ran based on reaching to health improvement and prevention to rehabilitation. 
✓ Evidence- based studies suggest the solutions for the problems in the healthcare service. 
✓ Solving problems and deciding about curriculum are designed and done using the criticizing thoughts. 
✓ Innovation and changing the nursing and operating room student’s performance must be as a preference to improve the quality of researches/ educational and clinical services. 
✓ Preparing the students, teachers, researches, the operating room, and nursing students to take over the caring in based on extension and revolution, different and obscurant eras by the academic rules, functional and fundamental researches with supervising the clinical activities and contributing in the national, regional and international healthcare activities. 
The mission of this group is training the expert and responsible nurses in operating room who uses the enough knowledge and skills in a difference levels of the prevention to care the people suffer disease; it includes the promotion of health in family, person and society. 
Educational mission:
Training and reinforcing the students in the operating room and nursing branch to provide the healthcare services for different clients in the training, education, supportive and rehabilitation eras.
Educational Objectives:
1. Producing a scientific and practical abilities in the operating room and nursing students in term of prevention and treatment. 
2. Revising the educational contents (curriculum) and providing the related courses to educational units of operating room and nursing. 
3. Revising and promoting the education approaches and evaluating into the group. 
4. Educational needs assessment of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and other stuff in relation to the operating room and nursing in case of health and sanitation. 
5. Enhancing the steady training workshops to comply the educational needs of the operating room and nursing students. 
6. Detecting the minimum learning in each degrees and revising continually. 
Research Mission:
Enhancing and improving the researches within the university students and group members to propagate the knowledge in the health era, promoting health and quality of related cares through conducting the researches in terms of health, illness as well as providing the opportunities to make and motivating the collaboration in the research activities within groups and group members. 
General research objects:
1. Improving the knowledge of the operating room and nursing through the research activities that are conducted by the students and professors. 
2. Empowering the students as a researcher for coordination with health system to run the studies related to health. 
3. Training and preparing the nursing students to recognize the research preferences in the health care era, professional challenges, meeting the problems and needs of clients, intra-section challenges in the health care era, proceeding to decrease the challenges and indicate the appropriate suggestions. 
Clinical Mission:
Training the masters and nursing in the operating room part with clinical and scientific skills to focus on preparing the health caring services besides the preserving and promotion of personal, families and society health in different levels of prevention. 
General clinical objects:
1. Promoting and improving the clinical skills through detection of strengths and weaknesses of the students. 
2. Promoting the clinical services to clients through enhancing and improving the appropriate clinical training.
3. Introducing the educational services to patients and their families for reaching to health promotion. 
4. Initiating the clients and families with the basic concepts of health and illness in the health era, the prevention approaches to prevalence, treatment and rehabilitation the diseases in a society. 
5. Coordinating the clinical and theoretical educations. 
The nursing and operating room outlook is encompassed in “students must be able to run healthcare services in based on the processes depend on care, educational, research, consultative, diagnostic, prevention and management roles. In this way, increasing the attention span of managers and policy maker in the health system to the persons in society are considered. 
Description of manager responsibilities in the operating room and nursing group:
● Provision the administrative programs and common duties of faculties in the research and educational groups, instructing the students and services and observe the rules. 
● Introducing the administrative programs in the research, social services and educational responsibilities through the group by the educational council, post-graduate and research educational part in the college. 
● Steady revising the curriculum plans according to the last progress, changes and the scientific revolutions and deliver those plans to the competent persons. 
● Organizing and managing the group council meetings and sending the reports, enactments, proposals and public opinions to the head of department of college to coordinate or run into legal steps for conducting. 
● Notify the circular and regulations and approvals from the head of department of college to the group members. 
● Manipulating all of formal letters and suggesting the equipment, books and magazines and etc., and sending to head of department. 
● Proposing the research planes to the head of department which the group can conduct by own or need to coordinate with other groups.
● Evaluating the activities of the group members annually, and send a draft to the head of college. 
● Participating in the educational, research and post-graduated council meetings of college. 
● Applying the appreciation or in time notify to the teachers from the head of college by explaining the reasons. 
● Pursuing and overseeing the considered responsibilities assigning to the group members. 
● Coordinating and transferring the comments with other educational groups in case of curriculum. 
● Applying the human resources for the subjects of related majors. 
● Delivering the teachers’ curriculum to the educational unit for preparing the semester planning. 
● Informing the subject designs of the group teachers and keep them on the related document of the group educational activities.
● Making the essential coordination to final authentic evaluation of the related subject. 
Majors and degrees in the group:
The bachelor degree of Nursing:
Nursing is one of the most crucial member of the health care that focuses on the control care of diseases, physical, mental, psychic and social supports; That is approved by specialist of the modern medical science. Nursing encompasses the care services besides the educational role preparing and get along well with clients. International council of nurses delineated four objects for nursing:
1. Promoting and carry out the sanitation
2. prevention of illness
3. Keep optimal health 
4. Adjustment simply and alleviation of suffering 
Introducing nursing major:
Nursing is an independent course; it is a branch of medical sciences that all students act as a member of health care in the different parts in relation of health care, education, research, supportive, consultative, prevention, treatment cares and rehabilitation eras.
Bachelor of sciences in nursing is the first degree in nursing that its curriculum is provided according to the Islamic values. Nursing training in the bachelor degree contrives training the professional nurses who can (as a public nurse) examine the health status, run service and coordinate the cares in the different situations to clients, families and society
The general goal of educating nurses is training the individuals that be able to care the clients and run the health care, educational, research, consultative, managerial, supportive and rehabilitate services for protecting and promoting the client, family and society health. 
Time Span of the Course: 4 years
Total units: 135 units 
General educational course: 25 
Core course: 16 
Main courses: 12
Specialized courses: 48
Intern course: 12 
Intern in Placement: 21 units
You can enroll in the master degree and doctoral degree in all nursing college and universities. 
The bachelor degree of Operating room:
The bachelor degree of operating room is a branch of medical sciences that the students will be familiar with new rules and technologies in the professional surgeries and they identify the care and helping role before and after operation. These students are a part of health care and surgical team to help performing a surgery with optimal results; they have some responsibilities to treatment, diagnosis and mobility care centers. 
The general aims:
The purpose of educating bachelor’s degree of the operating room is training the experts and capable human resources as a competent member with the promoting and enhancing the number of operations and surgery technology with the best services in based on advanced scientific rules meet all healthcare needs in society. 
Therefore, the purpose of this educational course is promoting the knowledge, attitude and skills (operating room technologists) to perform the professional roles in the following background:
● Ability to prepare the operative room with “aseptic technics” 
● Apply the right position rules 
● Have enough vision during the operation (using retractors, gases and suction)
● Informing of appropriate technics to help surgeon in hemostats (stop bleeding)
● Speed up operation with predicting surgeon needs
● Have the necessity knowledge about anatomy, normal physiology and pathology
● Have the necessity knowledge about urgent situation
● With observing the safety tips, they tend to devices and supplies in the operating room and provide safety situation for patients and others in this room
● Have high organizing skills
● Have the necessity knowledge and performance about the basic concepts of cares and operation technics. 
● Apply aseptic rules in function to provide a great care of patients
● Ability to perform as a scrub person in all basic and specialized operations 
● Be accountable and have the professional vision about ethics as a professional person in the healthcare era
● Have necessity knowledge and abilities about the related skills of mobility resource
Role definition:
The students can act with the research, communicational, and care role
The curriculum strategies:
According to the class type and number of students, educational strategy is integrated of teacher- based and student- based method with the following notes:
● Consolidating the theoretical and pragmatic courses and promoting the student skills to prevent the illness and elevating health.
● Perpetuating the student activities to perform seminar, project and conferences in relation to the major. 
● Empowering and improving information technology and connect to scientific centers in over the world. 
● Help to provide the patient rights and improving their health significantly. 
● Introducing this major as an operational course in case of researches, providing education and projects. 
● Preparing the background in scientific competitions for students are graduated in the operating room course
● Motivating associate’s degree students in the operating room degree
Time span: 4 years
Total units: 135 units 
General educational course: 25 
Core courses: 16
Main courses: 12
Specialized course: 48 units
Intern course: 12 units 
Intern in Placement: 16 units 
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