Master's Programs
Curriculum of Master of science degree in Environmental Health Engineering
Definition of the field and section: Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Health Engineering (M.Sc) is one of the higher education courses in which graduates are able to identify and control the polluting and environmental factors affecting health in order to maintain and enhance human and environmental health. And better human lives are effective through educational, research and management activities in line with the scientific standards of the field and provide consulting services to other environmental health institutions.
Mission of MSc Environmental Health Education: The mission of the Environmental Health Education curriculum is to educate graduates who, with due regard to economic, social and economic values, abilities and limitations, are able to make decisions and manage various environmental health issues including water, wastewater, solid waste, air, food, air, Risk and cognition and the relationship between environmental factors and diseases.
Vision of MSc Environmental Health Education Program: The Master's Degree Program in Environmental Health Engineering seeks to play a significant role in fostering creativity, enhancing knowledge, research and technology, improving community culture, and expanding capabilities to provide a healthy environment for all. And to bring the country's environmental health level to the developed countries of the world for the next ten years.
Overall Purpose: Educate graduates who can solve environmental health problems such as water supply, water treatment, urban and rural wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, solid waste collection and disposal management, air pollution control.
Graduates' Roles in the Curriculum: Graduates' roles in the curriculum include: Educational - Research - Management - Consulting and Design
Professional duties : Those completing a Masters Degree in Environmental Health Engineering have the following professional duties:
1- Educational role
If they have the necessary qualifications, they can teach in one of the areas of environmental health.
2-Research role
Presenting and conducting research programs in one of the fields of environmental health
3- Management role
Reviewing and deciding on the implementation of the programs presented, taking into account the technical and economic aspects of the management of environmental health issues.
4- The advisory role
Consultant in designing water treatment plants, wastewater treatment, solid waste disposal, air pollution control
5-Design role
Contribute to the design of sewage collection channels and urban floods
Contribute to the design of waste collection systems
Participation in the design of the drinking water distribution and distribution systems
Curriculum Implementation Strategies:
- It is based on the needs of the community
- To prevent and promote community health
- Emphasizes on practical training
- Based on future professional duties
Student acceptance and conditions: Candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Health, Public Health, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanics, Irrigation, Civil Engineering, Physics, Soil, Hydrology, Geology and Software Engineering in addition to the general admission requirements. ), Environmental engineering as well.
Exam materials and coefficients of each course are:
1 - Water including: water chemistry and microbiology, hydraulic and fluid mechanics, distribution and transmission, and water treatment (coefficient one).
Wastewater: Chemistry and Microbiology, Hydraulics, Collection and Treatment of Wastewater (Coefficient One)
3. Air pollution and control (coefficient one)
4. Waste and Solids (coefficient one)
5. Environmental health generalities including food hygiene, housing and public health, radiation hygiene, environmental assessment, noise, carrier control, coefficient one.
6. General English: Factor Three
Similar courses abroad:
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental and occupational health
- Environmental Health Technology
- Public Health and Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Quality Sciences
- Environmental hazard management
- Environmental management
Conditions required for field start: According to the terms and conditions of the Supervisory Council, Evaluation and Development of Medical Universities of Iran
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