History of the department of midwifery
The department of midwifery was established in 1986. This department has currently 110 undergraduate and graduate and 10 academic members.
The mission of this department is to educate capable and committed graduates in order to provide midwifery and health services in different healthcare settings.
Goals of this department:
- Developing professional skills such as communication, decision making, critical thinking, consulting, management and leadership capabilities in students.
- Providing proper, accurate and comprehensive training
- Developing theoretical and practical skills in midwifery (especially) and nursing students in maternal and child care
- Ongoing preview of curriculum and educational content and providing feedback to the country's educational planners
- Continuous assessment of learners' progress in achieving group educational goals
- Evaluation of Educational Needs of Students at Different Academic Levels
- Guiding students in research projects with the aim of enhancing the quality of clinical services

Mission and goals of the department of midwifery in the area of specialized and clinical services:
- Providing best training methods for training staff and instructors in order to provide comprehensive and adequate clinical skills to students at different levels of prevention, care and treatment, rehabilitation
- Training motivated and efficient students in the proper implementation of specialized clinical services based on national and international standards
- Identifying the barriers to acquiring clinical skills in clinical education and planning to solve them
- Active participation of clinical faculty members in clinical practice and proper and accurate teaching of clinical skills to students based on Standards of care
- Providing an appropriate setting for effective practical learning of clinical skills
- Establishment of specialized midwifery clinics by faculty members to provide effective care and education services to patients and their families

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