Monday, February 24, 2025
Deputy of Education
 Borzo Khaledifar
Pediatric Surgery, M.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
Since the establishment of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences (SKUMS) in 1986 until 1996, deputy head of school administered all the activities in terms of educational, research and administrative-financial affairs. During 1996-2001 the Deputy of Education and Research was responsible for carrying out the educational arrangements including educational and research programming for students at all levels. The Deputy of Education was established as an independent entity in 2002 in order to plan, prepare and arrange the educational programs in SKUMS. 

The main aim of Deputy of Education is cultivation and empowerment of students in different educational groups along with supplying region’s needs for innovative and entrepreneurial human resources using creative and committed academic members, students and staff. This deputy facilitates the development of medical sciences and public health with the help of modern technology.
The missions of Deputy of Education are performed in the framework of the programs which are explained below:
1) Managing and monitoring rules, policies, regulations, and educational processes in university
2) Planning for Educational affairs and post graduate programs
3) Monitoring and evaluating educational performance of students and academic members
4) Implementation of short-term training courses and in-service training
5) Managing Educational Systems Human Resources
6) Supporting the Elite & the Distinguished training
Improving the level of quality of educational services in region as well as achieving a high position among pioneer universities.
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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