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تعداد موارد یافت شده : 311 تعداد موارد یافت شده ی امروز: 0
عنوان تاریخ
مقالات 1397/08/20
The relationship between psychological empowerment and psychological strain among clinical nurses in educational hospitals 1395/12/15
Moral intelligence in nursing: a cross-sectional study in East of Iran 1395/12/15
Moral distress and perception of futile care in intensive care nurses 1395/12/15
Moral distress and its relationship with professional stress in nurses 1395/12/15
Moral distress and compassion fatigue in patient care: a correlational study on nurses 1395/12/15
The in vitro fertilization outcome and luteal phase GnRH antagonist administration. 1395/08/10
The impact of Silymarin on antioxidant capacity of serum and lipid peroxidation in patients with severe pre-eclampsia 1395/08/10
The effect of luteal phase gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist administration on IVF outcomes in women at risk of OHSS. 1395/08/10
The abortificient effects of hydroalcoholic extract of lawsonia inermis on BALB/c mice 1395/08/10
Melissa officinalis L A Review Study With an Antioxidant Prospective 1395/08/10
Effects of single dose GnRH agonist as luteal support on pregnancy outcome in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles: An RC 1395/08/10
A comparison of the efficacy of metronidazole vaginal gel and Myrtus (Myrtus communis) extract combination and metronidazole vaginal gel alone in the treatment of recurrent bacterial vaginosis 1395/08/10
Tribulus terrestris : Chemistry and pharmacological properties 1395/08/09
Therapeutic effects of Urtica dioica L: A review study 1395/08/09
Solanum nigrum: A review study with anti-cancer and antitumor perspective 1395/08/09
Pharmacological effects of Saccharum officinarum L. 1395/08/09
Lavandula stoechas L: A systematic review of medicinal and molecular perspectives 1395/08/09
Datura stramonium: An updated review 1395/08/09
Comparison between the efficacy of metronidazole vaginal gel and Berberis vulgaris (Berberis vulgaris) combined with metronidazole gel alone in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis 1395/08/09
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