سال1398 |
ردیف | عنوان مقاله | تاریخ انتشار | نام نویسنده
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| Investigation of RFLP Haplotypes β-Globin Gene Cluster in Beta-Thalassemia Patients in Central Iran | 23, Jan, 2019 | فرخ یدللهی | 2
| Comparative study of the effect of Thymus daenensis gel 5% and diclofenac in patients with knee osteoarthritis | 18 , Mar, 2019 | مرتضی دهقان | 3
| Effects of family-centered empowerment intervention on stress, anxiety, and depression among family cargivers of patients with epilepsy | 20, Aug, 2018 | ناهید جیواد | 4
| Identification of Concepts of Spiritual Care in Iranian Peoples with Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study | Jan,10,2018 | ناهید جیواد | 5
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تاریخ به روز رسانی: | 1400/04/14 |
تعداد بازدید: | 2215 |